Daniel Graham

Daniel here 👋

Built a 7-fig business with my bro at 18. Caught a bug for building since.


Dropped out of Law School to sell FIFA coins logo

Dropped out of Law School to sell FIFA coins

Left at 18 after crossing 7 figures to lock in

Dropped out of Law School to sell FIFA coins 1
Dropped out of Law School to sell FIFA coins 2
Dropped out of Law School to sell FIFA coins 3


UTCoins4U logo


Scaled FIFA business into multi-7-figs.

UTCoins4U 1
UTCoins4U 2
UTCoins4U 3


FUTPacks logo


Built the #1 FIFA pack website with the worlds largest FIFA YouTuber. 6 fig revenue in one day.

FUTPacks 1
FUTPacks 2
FUTPacks 3


FUTGod logo


FIFA app. 2 mill downloads. #4 in sports on the app store.

FUTGod 1
FUTGod 2
FUTGod 3



Exited FIFA ventures (I couldn't get girls by saying I build FIFA businesses for a living. joking, not joking...sort of).

FIFA Exit 1
FIFA Exit 2
FIFA Exit 3


Marketing Agency

Went to Australia, got jacked. Learnt to work with other humans. Also learnt Facebook and Google Ads REALLY well.

Marketing Agency 1
Marketing Agency 2
Marketing Agency 3


Australian Face Masks logo

Australian Face Masks

Scaled face mask business from $1k > $3.7M AUD in < 2 months. Supplied AUS National Health Service for free. WHO Certified.

Australian Face Masks 1
Australian Face Masks 2
Australian Face Masks 3


Second Pair of Eyes logo

Second Pair of Eyes

Teaching business how to run their own Ads and grow so they aren't reliant on shit agencies.

Second Pair of Eyes 1
Second Pair of Eyes 2
Second Pair of Eyes 3


Idea Guys logo

Idea Guys

Partnering with the OG and old friend, TheProGamerJay helping YouTubers get more views and monetize their audience.

Idea Guys 1
Idea Guys 2
Idea Guys 3
Follow @danielsamgraham